en dikt om ett par som, jag vet inte vad. Heart broken story

Darkness falling down
And the light is gone
I'm sitting in my bed
And write a song
I write about the dark
And my broken heart
I write about you
And how it all start
I remember your eyes
And you smiling face
I wish i could forget it
And have it in my mide in case
Your voice where like heaven
And your kiss was the same
I've could sit there all night long
And you cold sing me the song
I coudent wait any longer
And I just wanted to take you home
I gived you a try
And we where together but now i'm alone
I remember the day you said godbye
And you said that you where sad
I said that i would miss you
And this would hurt me bad
I was so heartbroken
And I dident know what to do
Now when I loke back
And think of you
I really understand
And really know
You are the best
And the  worst guy i ever known


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