I wish in my dreams

I wish dident wish to much. I wish i couldent wish sometimes. I can dream about a world i love but i can't get it now. I dream every night about things i can't imagine. I can be shy, happy,sad, cool, sexy and everything that i can't be here. I wish sometimes that i could dream in a world with dreams and a world full of peace and happiness. I can reatch my gole, i can be what i can be i can be a hero if i want i can be like you. I can be everything. Sometimes i have a wierd and special dream and sometimes i wish i couldent wake up. I wished i could be there forever. But dreams and goles are someting you and i can have i the reallity too. We can do it if we want. We need hope and fire. WE need to want it, and if we want it we can reatch it. Hopefully


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